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JavaScript library for Diplomacy)


This package provides functions to play Diplomacy games. It supports the default rule and map, and also can define custom variants of Diplomacy.


$ npm install js-diplomacy


The following code snippets describe the basic usage of this library.

1. Get the vaiant, which defines a rule and an initial board

diplomacy.standard provides the objects for the standard map and rule.

import diplomacy from "js-diplomacy"

const variant = diplomacy.standard.variant
const rule = variant.rule // This defines the default rule of Diplomacy
let board = variant.initalBoard // This represents the state of 1901, Spring.

2. Create orders using a helper instance

This library contains a helper class for the standard rule, which provides the simple and readable way to write orders.

const Helper = diplomacy.standardRule.StandardRuleHelper
const $ = diplomacy.variant.standardMap.location // This defines locations (e.g., StP_SC, Swe)

let $$ = new Helper(board) // Create a helper instance

const orders = [
  $$.F($.Lon).move($.Nth), $$.F($.Edi).move($.Nrg), $$.A($.Lvp).move($.Yor), // This is a Yor OP.
  $$.U($.Con).move($.Bul) // We have not to specify Fleet or Army if we use `U` function

3. Resolve orders, and go to the next turn

const result = rule.resolve(orders) // Resolve the orders using the default rule

if (result.result) {
  console.log(result.result.results) // Show results
  board = result.result.board // Go to the next turn (1901 Autumn, Movement phase)
  $$ = new Helper(board) // Update the helper instance


The example of the standard Diplomacy game (with visualizers) is available.


The documentation is here.


This software is released under the MIT License, see LICESE.md

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